Thursday, March 30, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

architecture assignment #2

burj al arab




angles and shapes


sculptured house




angles and shapes 


ufo house 




angles and shapes 






angles and shapes


krzywy domek




angles and shapes


Thursday, March 23, 2017

architecture preveiw #1

Burj Al Arab
1. Tom Wright
2. 1999
3. Dubai 
4. It is a hotel in Dubai so it is open to people
5. It cost $1 billion to create
6. It does not symbolize anything
7. I chose this building because it looks so cool. This building kind of reminds me of a half sunken boat. I like how it looks like you climb up the side and get to the top. I love the water surrounding it so the location was perfect. The lights around the bottom add a really cool touch. It also looks like it is floating on top of the water. The dimension in the building are so cool.   

Sculptured House 
1. Charles Deaton
2. 1963
3. The United States 
4. It is a place of residence and used in some tv shows and movies
5. 2.8 milllion 
6. it was created as a place of residence 
7. I really like this house because it is really different and probably no other house around looks similar to that house. I like that this house looks like it is raised up or on stilts. I love the dimension of the curve going around the house. That background kind of adds a free feeling to the location of the house. Like kind of on the edge of the mountain and the view would be amazing. 

Ufo House 
1. Mattie Suuoroen
2. 1978
3. Tiawan 
4. it was once a type of hotel but it has be abandoned 
5. $200,000
6. it was built to be be a hotel for people
7. This hotel is so cool. Instead of having a plain and boring square room you are given a different perspective in a circular room. The dimension in this photo is so cool i think it looks amazing how the rooms kind of come out of the middle and they are all connected. The sky in the background makes it look so pretty and different. 

1. Andre Waterkeyn
2. 1958
3. Belgium
4. the public
5. 93,523 to clean 
6. It symbolizes the democratic will to maintain peace among all the nations, faiths, and optimistic view of the future. 
7. I love this building because it is so different from any building i have ever seen.  It kid of looks like an amusement park ride. Like a ferris wheel or something. It is in insane that you are able to sleep in these little hanging rooms. I like how all the rooms are connected. The dimension in this building are amazing with kind of a 360 view within the circular rooms. 

Krzywy Domek
1. Jan Marcin Szancer
2. 2004
3. Poland
4. it is open to the public, it is a shopping center
5. not mentioned 
6. no there is no historical thing behind it 
7. I love the building because it looks like a warped and disfigured house. It is insane how they were able to make the house look so curved and shifted. The colors add a really cool effect. It is really cool you get to walk through this and you can see it from inside and hoe the inside is changed. It looks really cool with the glass on the middle panel it really adds something. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

sports/action photos

Julia runs towards me for me to capture a photo.
I took this photo for a prompt shoot we did my photojournalism class.

Julia is running across the grass for me to capture this photo.
She is warming up for her track meet that starts at 6:30 pm.

Julia loves to tumble, and i captured her in the moment.
She is celebrating for making the bowie cheer team.

Julia is trying to log into her phone but keeps mistaking the password.
Julia was frustrated and accidentally knock my camera while taking a photo. 

sensory overload

1. I agree with statement saying the feel of the community partly comes from the thing that we buy and sell in a community. This makes me feel like I can incorporate the things that we buy and sell in or communities. I can make my photos have more depth. 

2. I wouldn't really want to visit this place because it is not really the style of photos i like but i could see how it would be cool for someone else.

3. I think it would be really cool to be the child of someone who worked there because i would get to see different things and experience different things. 

4. My favorite photo is the one with the flowers. I love the colors and all the variations of flowers in the shop.  I think it looks really cool and it would be really cool to work there or visit it because your are surrounded by so many colors and flowers. 

outside prompt shoot